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How Physical Therapy Can Help Breast Cancer Surgery Recovery


It’s October, which also means it is breast cancer awareness month. That’s why at Theramedic Rehab and Physical Therapy, we have dedicated training to pre and post-surgical rehab. The word cancer is a scary one, however, it’s a testament to the medical community, that so many women are able to wear the pink ribbon as a sign of triumph and pride. A physical therapy post-mastectomy program can help address issues following breast cancer surgery.

A physical therapist can help women regain full function following mastectomy surgery, regardless of whether or not a woman has had reconstruction. Rehabilitation is always tailored to each patient’s specific needs. Not every patient experiences the same recovery, and we are prepared to help patients experiencing a multitude of symptoms.

According to the European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, most-mastectomy physical therapy ‘widely improves’ a patient’s quality of life.

After mastectomy surgery, patients may experience tightness around the surgical site caused by scar tissue formation. The result can be very dense tissue under the incision, which is painful and can restrict range of motion. The restricted range of motion puts women at risk for a painful condition known as frozen shoulder. Early treatment by a physical therapist can help reduce the pain and help regain functional range of motion and strength.

Numbness or nerve sensitivity can develop after breast cancer surgery. Manual therapy can help restore sensation and relieve nerve pain. In some cases, a chronic condition known as post-mastectomy pain syndrome may develop. This is caused by scar tissue impinging on nerves. Physical therapy can be very effective at releasing scar tissue and reducing this nerve related pain.

Also, radiation treatment can make posture and range of motion problems worse, causing fibrosis and skin tightness. Manual therapy can be used to remediate these issues and may even prevent them from becoming a problem in the first place.

The benefits of physical therapy after breast cancer surgery include:

  • Improved shoulder range of motion
  • Improved shoulder strength
  • Improved functional mobility
  • Improved posture
  • Decreased pain around the area
  • Decreased edema on the affected side(s)
  • Improved sensation around the area


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